Is It Still Passion? Determined To Remain Rugged And Dogged

Hmmm SEO Drama

It takes patience- consistently being constant to achieve any great thing. A saying says " there is no where worth going, that does not require the heart of a lion".

Our theme last week week was "we shall not slack" hmmm we don't know if that followed us through this week but our passion has kept us, making us rugged and dogged as we continue this journey.

We constantly remind ourselves of the main reason we decided to pursue this career path as Digital Marketers and Content Creators. One simple truth is, it takes PATIENCE.

Week 4

Same weekend, we were elated, wow! we have gotten half way, delivered all deliverables, hailing and commending ourselves for a job well-done, hmmm our task master was busy diving in the ocean of what we would like to call tasklantic.

You're laughing and wondering what we meant, well, if you don't get it, don't forget about it🤣🤣.

While our infographics were still gathering their clouds away, the thunder storm of week four struck us. Early hours of Monday morning, we got a wake notification of a new task;

Carry out SEO and Content Audit on your blog using and have an SEO score of 90 by the end of the week.

At first glance simple right💁‍♀️? Hmm so we thought too. Have you ever heard SEO will humble you? Well we were more than humbled😂.

E choke o!

As some of us who are newbie saw this technical jargons, we felt Drey has come for us this time😩.

Our infatigable team lead sharply did a test run of SEO and Content Audit on our blog; behold! the result choke!

She sent the result to the group for the team to reminiscent and study. had a misnormal with inconsistent results, so we had to use other SEO audit tools; SEMrush was part of them.

So a meeting was scheduled that same day, Monday at 6pm for us to discuss. So were other meetings scheduled consecutively four times during the week to see this project done.

So we had this funny thing 😂😂 some of our team members struggled to differentiate between SEO keywords, labels, and tags. This we drag as we learn.

So quietly and stealthily walks in the mount of meta-description, thanks to our versatile team lead with fingers that codes HTML.

Our Setbacks

  • We had poor turn out for the meetings, just about a one-third of the team were available for the each of the meetings.
  • Our SEO audit was inconsistent in results.


Despite our obstacles,eureka! the sum of the parts made a whole at the end.

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